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Acta Virologica

The journal is currently annotated in Psychological Abstracts, Current Contents, Ergonomic Abstracts, Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography.

Published 4 times a year by Slovak Academic Press, Ltd. in English language.

Annual cummulation also available on CD-ROM.

1. Aim, scope, preferences: The editors of STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA (SP) accept for publication the latest results of topical research of authors coming mainly from smaller communities in Europe. Empirically (experimentally) founded studies, contributions to "Free Tribune" (personal views and attitudes on controversial issues in psychology as a science, as education, as professional practice, open peer statements, etc.) and integrative studies documented by relevant data from central and east European regions are especially welcomed. Naturally, all contributions should be original.
In addition to scientific contributions, SP also publishes advertisements of various types. It includes, above all, annotations of books which SP receives from various publishers. Advertisement for research technologies, psychodiagnostic methods, scientific meetings, congresses and seminars can be published at the cost of $ 50 per page.
2. Time frames: The editors of SP try to evaluate the contributions so that they can be published within one year from the time they were received. At the request of the author the SP editors can ensure a so called early publication, i.e. publication of the contribution within 6 months of the receipt. However, they require a payment of $ 50 per page in this case.
3. Subject matter of the contributions: Except for authors from Slovakia the editors accept only contributions written in English (grammatically correct). In addition to an expressive title, the author (authors) should give their first name and surname as well as the full address of the center where the work originated. Other matters: abstract - ca 10 lines, 3-5 key words, summary ca 45 lines (authors from Czech and Slovak Republics will send it in Czech or Slovak).
Manuscripts - except for requested contributions - are not returned to the authors.
4. Formal requirements: The ideal which SP will be approaching quickly and decisively is to receive contributions on IBM formated diskettes, in our case in the ASCII code. The manuscript should be no longer than 15 pages, double-space typed, paragraphs should be inset 3 spaces, chapter and subchapter titles should be written in a different script, citations, including the author's name and year of publication should be in parenthesis; for instance: (Smith, 1990) or P.S. Smith (1990). There should be two copies of the manuscript.
Illustrations, i.e. tables, diagrams, black & white pictures - in the original on a white base as well as possible footnotes should be on separate pages; text should mention their placement, numbering and titling.
Depending on the type of source references should be written as follows:
journal articles: ROBINS, L.N., 1991, Conduct Disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 32, 193-212
articles in publications with several authors: SOKOLOV, V.E., BOCHARON, B.V., 1988, Ekologiya i problemi ekologii cheloveka. In: V.P. Koznacheyev, V.S., Preobrezhanskiy (red.), Ekologiya cheloveka, Nauka, Moskva, 154-158.
books: LIENERT, G.A., 1987, Schulnotenevaluation. Frankfurt/Main, Athenum.
5. Contact: In all professional matters (sending contributions, editorial questions and comments, reprints request, etc.) the address is:
Institute of Experimental Psychology S.A.Sc.
Studia Psychologica, Dubravska cesta 9
813 64 BRATISLAVA, Slovak Republic
Tel: (+421)(2)59413427, FAX: (+421)(2)54775584
E-mail: expspro@savba.savba.sk

In commercial and financial matters (subscriptions, claims payments, etc.) please contact:
Slovak Academic Press, Ltd.
Posta 15, P.O.Box 57
Namestie slobody 6
Slovak Republic
Bank contact: VUB Bratislava, 35-973901-112/0200 VS:15